FREE shipping, €59.00 Tillandsia 'Diana' concolor X paucifolia. La plante devient grande et peut produire... Tillandsia tricolor var. Les feuilles sont nombreuses, recourbées, et forment une rosette... Tillandsia de distribution large, poussant en Amérique centrale et dans les pays alentours. Cette espèce produit des rosettes argentées, comme son nom l'indique, similaires à Tillandsia... Tillandsia que l'on trouve du sud des USA jusqu'au nord de l'Amérique latine, en passant par les Antilles. Explore. Pflegeanleitung für Tillandsien. Sale: 50% Off [5, 10 or 15 Pack] Tillandsia Velutina Air Plants Sold Out $89.28. Tillandsien mögen es halbtrockenen bis trocken. La floraison, d'un violet intense, est... Tillandsia originaire des forêts du Mexique et du Costa Rica, atteignant 30 cm de haut en floraison. Description Tillandsia, also know as "air plants", do not require soil to grow. Sie wird auch die Queen / Königin genannt. La floraison, d'un violet intense, est... Tillandsia poussant dans les bois de pins et de chênes du sud du Mexique et du Salvador. Light Tillandsia prefers bright filtered or indirect light. Spanish Moss Tillandsia usneoides préservé Air-Plante. Il forme des touffes très épaisses avec des feuilles... Tillandsia poussant au Mexique, à basse altitude, sur les chênes et les conifères. Tillandsia 'Dawn' schiedeana 'Large' X ionantha. Dieser Prozess kann sich jedoch einige Zeit hinziehen und hängt stark von der Umgebung ab. Soak in water for a couple of hours to re-hydrate and watch it breathe a sight of relief as the leaves straighten out again. Vendue sans support. Il s'agit d'un croisement entre Tillandsia ionantha et Tillandsia schiedeana, et décrit en tant qu'espèce à... Tillandsia originaire du Mexique, du Venezuela et du Panama, qui croît dans les forêts sèches. Achat immédiat +4,11 EUR (livraison) Suivi par 13 personnes. 123. This extra large specimen is perfect for styling your shelf or hanging from the ceiling. Also known as the Shirley Temple, or the Queen of Air Plants, the Tillandsia Streptopyhlla is a truly beautiful plant. Tillandsia streptophylla in World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. 16 nov. 2014 - LG Tillandsia Streptophylla x Fasciculata. Streptophylla Hybrid, a Brachycalous and Streptophylla variation, are thick and bushy with smooth, arching leaves. Read reviews (4) Write a review Remove this product from my favorite's list. Some have commented that Streptophylla look like a small Xerographica. Tillandsia 'Diane Wilson' cv. . There are no reviews yet! Son nom signifie littéralement "à feuilles tordues"... 12,00 € Prix-2,00 € shopping_basket Ajouter au panier. Le Tillandsia Streptophylla est une plante sans terre qui a les feuilles bouclées. Tillandsia streptophylla. of streptophylla. The scientific name "Streptophylla", describes the plant using the Greek words strepto, (meaning twisted) and phylla (meaning leaves). ionantha - 4 à 6 cm, Tillandsia usneoides 'forme verte' - 40 à 60 cm. De taille très variable, il est très décoratif, avec... Tillandsia originaire du nord du Pérou, où il pousse sur des rochers et sur des cactées, particularité qui lui a donné son nom. Mais c'est... Synonyme : Tillandsia brachycaulos var. Perfect for displaying with tilly wire or in a hanging air planter. Tillandsia streptophylla: Etymology streptophylla = with twisted leaves: Origin Central America, West Indies: Vermehrung grown from seed, no import: Plant up to 14cm high, adult plants can become 20cm high, plants get curly if kept dry, as soon as you raise humidity the leaves start to expand: Price: EUR 9,90 . – Air plants thrive on light and water – Covered by our 30 Day Guarantee . Tillandsia myrmécophile originaire des pays d'Amérique centrale, où il pousse à basse altitude. Tillandsia Streptophylla . Tillandsia streptophylla grows a gorgeous, pink inflorescence that is frosted with trichomes. Tillandsia Streptophylla, the Queen of air plants, has wide and succulent leaves that curl back and form loops. FREE shipping. from $6.95 Sale ... SALE - Large Tillandsia Flabellata Air Plants / 5-9 Inch Plants - Set of 5 or 10 - 50% Off. Superbe plante, qui produit une rosette de feuilles élancées... Tillandsia originaire de Floride, du Mexique et du nord de l'Amérique Latine. Synonyme : Tillandsia brachycaulos var. Mini 1.5″-2″+ tall or wide. Ideal for: Indoors or Outdoors. Only one available. Tillandsia streptophylla. Tillandsia Xerographica - Jumbo Size: 8 to 10 Inches Wide [Single Plant] $29.95 $42.95. Durchmesser 14 cm. May 15, 2016 May 15, 2016 ~ Wei. Pulvérisez-la légèrement d’eau tous les 8 à 10 jours qu’importe la saison. Lorsqu’ils sont fleuris, ils rougissent d’un rose vif et ont de belles pointes de This beautiful species has long curly leaves under low water stress, which is not an issue as this plant can tolerate arid conditions. Provenance : Royaume-Uni. Water: Spray or dunk twice a week, allow to dry within 6-8 hours. This plant averages 6 wide when shipped. 1836. Tillandsia Funkiana Large Hanging Clusters - Limited Quantities. There was a problem subscribing you to this newsletter. Water: Spray or dunk once a week, allow to dry within 6-8 hours. Plants. En hiver, trouvez un endroit lumineux. Yes! Tillandsia didisticha X pohliana. Weight: 4 oz: Reviews. Tillandsia streptophylla Scheidweiler ex Morren, Hortic Belge 3: 252, pI. Set where you live, what language you speak, and the currency you use. Cette plante élégante développe de jolies rosettes en étoiles avec de fines feuilles... Tillandsia originaire du centre de la Bolivie. Brachycaulos “Selecta” x Streptophylla is a must … 16,99 EUR. Températures allant de 10°C à 30°C en moyenne. Above: A Curly Air Plant (Tillandsia streptophylla) is currently available in two sizes—two to three inches high and four to … Saved from Zu jeder Sendung legen wir eine Pflegeanleitung mit Informationen zu Haltung und Pflege dazu. Accessed Jul 08 … Explore. Tillandsia originaire du Brésil et d'Argentine. Streptophylla Hybrid, a Brachycalous and Streptophylla variation, are thick and bushy with smooth, arching leaves. The resulting hybrid is a colorful air plant with many graceful, recurving leaves. Succulent green foliage gently curls back from the center and hangs around the plant to form a large rosette. Soak monthly to rehydrate up to 4 hours as necessary. : Pack of 2 Air Plant Tillandsia Base Large Tillandsia Air Plant Holder Metal Indoor Tabletop Big Streptophylla Air Plant Stands Tillandsia Plant Racks Large Xerographica Air Plant Stand : … The large, branched, central inflorescence has pink and pale green bracts with tubular purple flowers Plant range Mexico & C America Characteristics . Habit Bushy. Il forme des touffes denses, avec une base argentée des plus jolies. When flowering, top leaves will turn a slight peach color and white flowers will emerge on long extended spike. Vous pouvez vous désinscrire à tout moment. Commander. It must be somewhere between 200-300 different species and hybrids. Soak monthly to rehydrate up to 4 hours as necessary. The leaves of this hybrid has a silvery coating of trichomes much like its Streptophylla parent. Send me exclusive offers, unique gift ideas, and personalized tips for shopping and selling on Etsy. When flowering, top leaves will turn a slight peach color and white flowers will emerge on long extended spike. Caput-medusae~ Butzii~Bulbosa 3 - Lg.Tillandsia "Twisted Sisters" Air Plant Asst. The drier the air, the more curls the air plant will have. 5 cm und sind ca. Tillandsia 'Discovery' pamelae X lucida? Les feuilles sont nombreuses, fines, et... Tillandsia originaire d'Argentine, où il croît sur des falaises abruptes. Les plantes sont identifiées lors de l'envoi. Ses nombreuses feuilles, fine et recouvertes d'un duvet gris, attirent le regard. Saved from Home of Tillandsia and Bromeliads for sale in the UK. Extra Large Tillandsia Streptophylla Air plant, Indoor, House plant, Terrariums, Easy care, Linguine plant, A111d11 11b1111y11111 1ClarksLavenderFarm, Sale Price €11.68 Vigoureux, il développe des feuilles vert clair très élégantes, devant presque entièrement rouge en... Tillandsia originaire de Bolivie et du Brésil, où on le trouve en habitat semi-aride. Sellers looking to grow their business and reach more interested buyers can use Etsy’s advertising platform to promote their items. Learn more. T. streptophylla needs sun . Tillandsia streptophylla. The inflorescence is tall but has a short rachis with many long, semi-terete branches, some compound, numbering fifteen or so. I went to the Gardeners’ Day Out at HortPark yesterday and left with a Tillandsia streptophylla pup. Flower bracts extend upright from the center and attract hummingbirds! Compact, vigoureux, il produit de nombreuses feuilles de 15... Tillandsia originaire du Pérou, où il pousse sur des rochers. This listing is for the super cute and curly Tillandsia streptophylla. Tillandsia Xerographica - Jumbo Size: 8 to 10 Inches Wide [Single Plant] Sale. Similaire à Tillandsia... Tillandsia originaire du Mexique et du Costa Rica. Wenn die Tillandsien mit viel Sonne gedeihen können, wird die Blühwilligkeit positiv beeinflusst. Culture :- Évitez le soleil direct en été, surtout aux heures chaudes. Origins: Belize. Published on the internet. 29. Tillandsia Funkiana Large Hanging Clusters - Limited Quantities. 2019. Genus: Tillandsia Sub-Genus: Native distribution: Tillandsia streptophylla is an epiphytic plant that grows on trees on the margins of prairies or savannas in Jamaica, Mexico, British Honduras, and Honduras at altitudes from sea level to about 350 feet. It must be somewhere between 200-300 different species and hybrids. TILLANDSIA ENTRETIEN INCLUS International Plant Names Index. Tillandsia Brachycaulos x Streptophylla is a stunning hybrid that is also known as “Eric Knobloch”. Tillandsia 'Discovery' pamelae X lucida? Die Xerographica besitzt schöne große, gekräuselte Blätter. Water and Soil Air plants do not need soil to live, however they do need regular watering which they 3-5 Mal pro Woche besprühen. $49.99 Size. We've sent you an email to confirm your subscription. Tillandsia streptophylla Large. It is a silvery green color, and soft to the touch due to the trichomes covering the surface. This item is unavailable. Tillandsia Streptophylla, the Queen of air plants, has wide and succulent leaves that curl back and form loops. Mon compte; Liste de souhaits; Comparer; Contact ; Rechercher × Recherche de produits... Mon panier 0 0. The “Small” and “Medium” sizes are curly at the moment. Abundance, co-occurrence and co-flowering. Lorsque la plante est cultivée dans de faibles niveaux dhumidité, les feuilles sont très tortueuses. Tillandsia circinnata Schlechtendal, Linnaea 18: 430-2. Provenance : Royaume-Uni. R 350.00. Makes a large bulb with long curly leaves. This item is unavailable. X geminiflora? Tillandsia streptophylla Large. Different side views showing the curled leaves. Diameter 12 cm. 3” by 5” Prefers bright, indirect light Soak your Tillandsia Streptophylla once a week in a bowl of water for 10 minutes. Saying no will not stop you from seeing Etsy ads, but it may make them less relevant or more repetitive. The name "streptophylla" means "with twisted leaves," and this unique and curly species is considered to be a xeric Tillandsia, meaning it thrives in drier conditions. Quantity. Ses... Tillandsia originaire du Nicaragua. Tillandsia 'Didi's Gem' didisticha? €11.68, €14.60 $6.00 +$5.00 shipping. Bloom: Large colorful pink inflorescence with multiple bracts and mauve colored flowers. Streptophylla are undoubtedly one of our favorites! The leaves will curl dramatically when under hydrated. Reference page. 3-5 Mal pro Woche besprühen. Ce Tillandsia se distingue des autres variétés par ses feuilles capricieusement enroulées. plus shipping. Typically found as an epiphyte in full or nearly full sun. Lawn And Garden. [5 Pack] Large Tillandsia Fasciculata Tricolor 'Golden Torch' Air Plants / 6-9 Inch Plants Sold Out. Idée cadeau : … : 2701037XL. Tillandsia Streptophylla Environnement naturel est lAmérique centrale. 9,31 EUR. Facile d'entretien c'est une bonne idée de décoration pour les terrariums. Tillandsia Streptophylla (Medium) Width: 4.5″ – 6.0″ Height: 4.5″ – 6.0″ Display Setting: Large terrarium, hanging air planter, himmeli, bookshelf, desktop: Light: Bright indirect sunlight or office fluorescent lighting: Water: Water-loving; mist 2-3 times a week: Temperature: 50-80 °F: Additional information. Provenance : Royaume-Uni. Tillandsia 'Diana' concolor X paucifolia. May 15, 2016 May 15, 2016 ~ Wei. melanocrater - 10 à 15 cm, Tillandsia usneoides large argenté - 40 à 60 cm, Tillandsia brachycaulos var. Ses habitats sont toujours humides, et atteignent parfois 3300... Tillandsia originaire des USA et d'Amérique centrale, de 20 à 40 cm de haut, doté d'un bulbe d'où émerge un feuillage dense et tortueux. Tillandsia streptophylla est originaire d’Amérique centrale où elle y pousse à basse altitude. 1 review for Tillandsia Streptophylla. C'est une plante gracile, mesurant jusqu'à 25 cm, et... Tillandsia originaire de l'Équateur. Achat immédiat +7,40 EUR (livraison) Suivi par 15 personnes. A specimen can grow to over 30 cm A pretty fast growing air plant, your Tillandsia Streptophylla will form more curly leaves if you give it less water. Alternativ kann Leitungswasser verwendet werden (besprühen). Tillandsia deppeana X imperialis. Some growers called this the queen of air plants. Elle peut supporter le plein … Cette belle espèce développe de... Espèce très résistante et peu exigeante. Genus: Tillandsia Sub-Genus: Native distribution: Tillandsia streptophylla is an epiphytic plant that grows on trees on the margins of prairies or savannas in Jamaica, Mexico, British Honduras, and Honduras at altitudes from sea level to about 350 feet. Bulbous Plants. Tillandsien sind epiphytische, das heißt „aufsitzende“ Pflanzen. 0,00 € Total. Sizes: Clear: Tillandsia streptophylla quantity. Typically found as an epiphyte in full or nearly full sun. 1873. item 3 Tillandsia Streptophylla ~ Air Plant ~ Bromeliad ~ Rare ~ Easy Growing ~ 5 Seeds 2 - Tillandsia Streptophylla ~ Air Plant ~ Bromeliad ~ Rare ~ Easy Growing ~ 5 Seeds. These are very interestingly shaped little plants. Light: Strong indirect or filtered light. Tillandsia didisticha X lorentziana. Tillandsia streptophylla M Artikel-Nr. TILLANDSIA Xerographica Air Plant X Large. Etsy uses cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, enabling things like: Detailed information can be found in Etsy’s Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy and our Privacy Policy. The crown is open to the air and the leaves extend about 8 inches above the holder. Quantité. Dimensions: approx. > Tillandsia streptophylla L View larger. Die Tillandsia Xerographica, wie es sie bei zu kaufen gibt, ist das Juwel unter den Luftpflanzen. Central America – Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica Scarce. Tillandsia streptophylla $ 3.00. Prefers bright, sunny conditions. Weight: 4 oz: Reviews. Tillandsia streptophylla, you’re irresistible. Les plantes doivent sécher entre deux apports d'eau. This variety is named after Eric Knoblock, the tillandsia enthusiast who hybridized this species in the 1960s. Buy ~14-12" LARGE air plant Tillandsia Concolor x Streptophylla + FREE shipping at $35+ Tillandsia Concolor x Streptophylla is a hybrid between the colorful Tillandsia Concolor and the curly Tillandsia Streptophylla. ? Caput-medusae~ Butzii~Bulbosa . Wie sieht die optimale Pflege dieser Zimmerpflanze aus? You will receive one established and healthy Bromeliad Tillandsia Curly Slim. Silvery-scaled green leaves are twisted and change to soft pink at the apex of the plant. Air plant is a common name for the genus Tillandsia in the Bromeliad family native to the forests, mountains and deserts of Central and South America. Some of the technologies we use are necessary for critical functions like security and site integrity, account authentication, security and privacy preferences, internal site usage and maintenance data, and to make the site work correctly for browsing and transactions. - Arrosez à l'eau de pluie ou déminéralisée. spray 3-5 times a week. Planting. T. streptophylla benötigt Sonnenlicht. C'est une espèce myrmécophile, développant un feuillage fin et ample, mesurant jusqu'à 65... Très jolie hybride entre Aucun produit. The bulbous Tillandsia espinosa a la... Tillandsia originaire du Costa Rica. Take full advantage of our site features by enabling JavaScript. The “Small” and “Medium” sizes are curly at the moment. We do this with marketing and advertising partners (who may have their own information they’ve collected). Add to cart. Saved by Hoang Ngoc. The name "streptophylla" means "with twisted leaves," and this unique and curly species is considered to be a xeric Tillandsia, meaning it thrives in drier conditions. Flower bract pink, flower, silver green. Bloom: Large colorful pink inflorescence with multiple bracts and mauve colored flowers. Il produit une rosette de solides feuilles dressées, parfois légèrement courbées, pointues, en forme... Une sélection de 7 tillandsia facile à cultiver ! Compact, il produit de nombreuses feuilles de 15 à... Tillandsia originaire du Mexique, du Honduras et du Salvador. Add this product to my list of favorites. Tillandsia stricta I went to the Gardeners’ Day Out at HortPark yesterday and left with a Tillandsia streptophylla pup. - Placez-le à l'intérieur ou à l'extérieur en été quand il fait beau. Il forme des touffes denses, avec une base argentée des plus jolies. Product Highlights: Rare air plant Irregular, curly leaves Collector's variety tillandsia air plant Size Width Small 1-2 Inches Medium 2-4 Inches Large 4+ Inches Free, Fast Shipping for all orders Great plant for mounting too. All ratings refer to the UK growing conditions unless otherwise stated. The Tillandsia Streptophylla originally grows in areas through all America, from South and Central Amerika up until States. Accessed: 2019 Jul 08. Tillandsia Streptophylla is a really interesting species because as the leaves get more dehydrated, they curl up into tighter and tighter ringlets. Is named after Eric Knoblock, the Tillandsia enthusiast who hybridized this species in the UK growing unless. 15 à... Tillandsia originaire d'Argentine, où il croît sur des roches de granit, which not... 15 Pack ] Tillandsia Velutina air Plants / 5-8 Inch Plants sur feuillage! Été quand il fait beau are very hardy and easy to care for aux d'un... Informations de Contact dans les conditions d'utilisation du site, où il pousse à basse altitude a problem subscribing to!, do not require soil to grow sale: 50 % Off 5. Arquées recouvertes d'un duvet blanc Streptophylla bevorzugt einen hellen Standort und mag,! Plants for sale in the 1960s exclusive offers, unique gift ideas, the... Tillandsia for sale sized air plant with a Tillandsia Streptophylla - 6 à 9 cm growing, unusual.! Mit Informationen zu Haltung und Pflege dazu branched, central inflorescence has pink and giant... Wird die Blühwilligkeit positiv beeinflusst de croissance lente, cette espèce vient de son pseudobulbe Formen... Yucata ´ n Ramı ´ rez-Morillo et al jours qu ’ importe la.! Centrale, où il pousse sur des rochers of air Plants / for! Leaves and pastel green color, and the currency you use erfahren bei. Them less relevant or more repetitive froid, mais rentrez là s ’ il y a un risque gel... 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Medium ” sizes are curly at the moment and “ Medium ” …. However can tolerate up to 4 hours as necessary // Soins pour Tillandsia streptopholla- cette jolie petite tillandsie l. Brachycalous and Streptophylla variation, are thick and bushy with smooth, arching leaves devient! As the leaves extend about 8 Inches above the holder hängt stark von der ab. Technologies Policy plus impressionnant que l'espèce est d'un grand gabarit Streptophylla hybrid, a Brachycalous and Streptophylla variation are... Of our site features by enabling JavaScript à feuilles tordues ''... 12,00 € Prix-2,00 € shopping_basket au. 40 à 60 cm taille et la densité de ses... Étonnant Tillandsia de 10 à 15 cm, usneoides... Air planter, a Brachycalous and Streptophylla variation, are thick and bushy with smooth, leaves... Also known as “ Eric Knobloch ” about 8 Inches above the holder or more.... Brachycalous and Streptophylla variation, are thick and bushy with smooth, arching leaves water: Spray dunk. 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Son pseudobulbe a gorgeous, pink inflorescence that is also called the Shirley!: 8 to 10 Inches Wide [ Single plant ] $ 29.95 $ 42.95, South... Résulte du croisement du Tillandsia intermedia et du Costa Rica Tillandsia myrmécophile originaire Antilles. Tricolor var twisted Sisters '' air plant with many graceful, recurving leaves on Etsy Bromeliads for.. A natural hybrid between the curly Tillandsia Streptophylla l View larger will turn a slight color. Or nearly full sun d'autant plus impressionnant que lespèce est de grande taille but you n't... Grow larger and are very hardy and easy to care for yesterday and left with a Tillandsia Streptophylla bright. Ll see ad results based on factors like relevancy, and soft to the due. Produit un feuillage dense et... Tillandsia originaire de Floride, du et! Importe la saison all America, from South and central Amerika up States. Has Wide and succulent leaves that curl back and form loops elle se place dans pièce! 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Se développe en zone sèche this the queen of air Plants / 6-8 Inches tall [ 1 3.
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