The most common reason behind this is fecal disorders like parasitic infections. Your email address will not be published. Several repeated treatments may be needed to fix this. We are reader supported. I've always had at least one picky eater in my tank that eventually stops eating and dies over a … link to 5 Main Tips On How To Keep Healthy Discus - Practical Guide, link to Discus Aquarium Tanks Requirements & Aquascape Designs Ideas. The adults are about 2mm in length, possessing hooks and anchors. [STEP1] – You can apply a dose of (1ml or 1 cc per 10 gallons of water). Once all these are checkmated, if it persists, other symptoms related to an infectious disease such as gill fluke should be looked upon. Wormer Plus treatment is based on the Flubendazole compound, which has been known to treat various discus infections, which include: Discus gill flukes. NOTE: the standard treatment … Fin rot can occur due to injuries sustained by the fish from: Usually, when the fin gets injured, it can easily be affected by fungi or bacteria, thereby killing the cells. Showing the single result. Follow the instructions in the Melafix box for the dosage … Continue to keep your discus fish quarantined, do regular water changes … If I suspect a parasite… Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate) – for gastrointestinal bloating or before treatment … Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment. Body flukes. parasite (Spironucleus) were su bjected to trials for treatment either by chemical or physical. Part 3 deals with parasite and chemical such as Malachite Green, Methylene Blue, Copper, Praziquantel, & more. Hi Ricardo, If it persists afterward, the discus fish could be infected with some discus gill problems. If it persists afterward, the discus fish could be infected with a discus gill fluke problem. If the oxygen level of the aquarium is within 2-3 mg/l, it will become difficult for your discus fish to breathe easily. This heat treatment will also work to cure discus fish which are extruding white stringy feces. It burrows under your fish's mucus coating forming a cyst which protects it from chemicals so that any treatment … This can be taking care of by raising the temperature of the tank. Most times, juvenile discus fishes are greatly affected by the gill fluke. Use a submersible aquarium heater to maintain a stable temperature, making the adjustment easier for sick fish. A regular oxygen level test should be taken to know when a moderate or significant oxygen drop has occurred. For bacterial, you want to treat your discus fish with General Cure by API, a solution designed to treat a spectrum of bacterial nasties. Yet, if your aquarium has a substrate, it will be difficult to eradicate the infection completely as the mulm may hinder the parasite eggs from the treatment. These are much less serious and easier to treat. Fish easily loses weight when they are faced with health-related issues such as irregular feces discharge or non-specific cases like darker colors. hello good afternoon, i am currently bathing my discus permanganate for an hour. It is advisable to carry out this practice as often as possible, perhaps twice daily. In this article, the secrets of setting up a standard discus aquarium tank, as well as, designing a proper discus aquarium aquascape will be revealed. How aquarium and pond treatments work. I am very grateful for your help and I am very happy and grateful to have found this website. Most often, this is the first sign that is readily visible. This site is owned and operated by The use of neutralizers and filter materials can be employed to deactivate poisonous substances in the water. discus parasite treatment. Discus rapid breathing can be seen from the water surface as they gasp for oxygen; this is caused when one gill isn’t working primarily due to an inflamed gill tissue causing the discus gills sticking out. How Do You Treat Gill Flukes in Discus? Wormer Plus treatment is based on the Flubendazole compound, which has been known to treat various discus infections, which include: It is a temperature friendly treatment. The moment a healthy fish starts excreting stringy and whitish feces, it is a likely symptom of spironucleus or other flagellates. During treatment feed the discus sparingly of favorite foods like frozen bloodworms. The moment your fish has eye wounds, you will have to look for confirmation from other fishes, if they are having the same problem. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to If you click on some of our links in this post, we may earn a commission. Discus gill fluke disease is a disease found on the gills of the discus fish, which is caused by small white worm-like parasites, which could be seen only with the aid of a microscope. ORP stands for Oxidation-Reduction Potential. In a case like this, an observation is made to know the duration of the difficulty in breathing last, if it persists for a longer time frame, you might begin the diagnosis by changing the water or improving the water quality. Fish that stop eating and begin emitting translucent or stringy white faeces can be infected with various parasites. The most effective parasite treatments combine several ingredients because most only kill some types of parasites or their eggs. It is time to make the medicated food. [STEP4] – After this treatment, an observation is needed to see if there is an improvement in breathing or less scratching by the discus fish. When this infectious parasite attacks the discus fish, it will be seen that the discus fish will be breathing hard, often with a single opercle closed. Install a sponge filter to facilitate mechanical filtration and aeration without producing an overly strong current. Apply a slightly rounded teaspoon for every 20 gallons. It is not an abnormal case when a full tank of dime discus fry hangs at the surface of the water and dies off within a couple of days. Keep water temperature elevated for a week after treatment ends. Breathing difficulty in your discus fish can be seen from the water surface as they gasp for oxygen; this is caused when one gill isn’t working primarily due to an inflamed gill tissue. Your email address will not be published. wishes for much health. Follow the procedure below when treating discus gill flukes. This can be easily taken care of with good aquarium practices. Price Filter. Praziquantel Vacuum well. Key words: Discus fish, Fusarium spp, Aeromonas hydrophila , Symphysodon During treatment, other tropical fishes are not affected. Turn off your Tank heater all time while treatment is in progress. Follow the below proper steps to treat your Discus from Gill Flukes using Potassium Permanganate: Here is a video of how to treat Discus Gill Flukes using Potassium Permanganate. This is done to terminate any larva that may have survived, which may lead to a continuing in the production of the gill flukes in the discus fish. According to my experience on dealing with internal parasites in discus fish, compared to other intestinal parasite species, the Hexamita is more common than other types. This is me Firas Sameer, the founder of, I am an aquarist guy with a passion and love for Discus fishes, I am learning every day with my hobby at home and sharing the things I am learning from my experience with you. Treatment Since it is a bacterial infection, immediately remove the nipped fish from the tank. DETAILED INFORMATION ON DISCUS PARASITES AND HOW TO MAKE DISCUS PRODUCTION, PREPARED FOR DISAPPEUSED DISCUS DEATH REQUIREMENTS AND MORE discus fry, discus, parasite treatment, internal parasite … The first one we’re going to talk about are internal parasites. Make a Medicated Feed. During the giving of treatment, ensure not to discontinue quickly. True cases of hexamita are a hobbyist’s worse nightmare. As an added bonus, many anti-parasite … I am pleased to have a reliable resource that can accurately identify parasites. Other symptoms include dark body color, emaciation, and white, stringy excrement. Discus fish must be instantly treated with antibiotics prescribed by a vet. The results are usually faxed to me very quickly. There are many causes of cloudy eye disease, namely eye injuries, fungal infections, bacterial or parasitic … To keep your Discus fish healthy, you must first make sure that your Discus fish is well fed with appropriate Discus food, as well as ensuring that your Discus aquarium or tank is regularly clean and... Discus Aquarium Tanks Requirements & Aquascape Designs Ideas. Prepare a solution outside the tank by combining (2 grams) of Potassium Permanganate to (1 liter) of water in a small cup or pout. You can make a gelatin-bound anti-parasite fish food that helps repel and expel parasites from fish, while also providing immunity support to prevent secondary infections. Discus gill fluke disease can be treated by 4 treatment methods which are: Standard salt treatment is an aquarium fluke treatment that mainly takes care of the pathogen, but not the fluke. The discus gill fluke prevails in deteriorating water bodies because they feed on: Below are three treatments available to treat this infection, but only one can be selected to do so. One of the most effective medications to treat general bacterial infections in Discus fish is the API Melafix, you may check its price on Amazon. Always change about half the total volume of water in the aquarium. Fewer flukes are found in adult fish. The presence of yellow dustings or tiny red spots. Lateral Line Erosion (Hole in the Head Disease), Otocinclus Catfish: Tank Mates, Tank Requirements and Diet. The use of an oxygen test kit is very much needed in testing the oxygen level of the aquarium. However, most cases of so called hexamita are actually spironucleus or protoopalina. Clean your tank properly and change water. There is a pest that is predominant in water, especially in cichlid water. Select a tank that is around twenty gallons in. There are several stages to the ich life cycle: Trophont stage: This is when the ich parasite is visible on your fish. When a discus is under stress, these parasites multiply. Then you will have to trace the likely cause of this. Fill the tank with as much water from the main tank as possible to fill the hospital tank. Hope this will help you treat your Discus Fish. (Note: if the fish are at the point … Use antibacterial treatment … The use of Potassium Permanganate in the treatment of discus gill fluke is also effective. Keep the bottom of the tank bare to make cleaning the tank easier. Transfer it to a smaller quarantine... Test water conditions and treat the water to remove toxins from the main tank. Shopping Cart. Discus Breeding Pairs; Discus Fish; Discus Fish Tank Mates; Discus … What Kind of Food Do Tiger Barb Fish Eat? • Treatment Metranidazole #AL4024, #AL4025 Protopalina symphysodonis This oblong parasite is seen mainly in Discus … – Gill Fluke Treatment. Wormer Plus $ 17.98 – $ 34.98 add to cart. 5 Main Tips On How To Keep Healthy Discus - Practical Guide. … Just wanted to share my experiences using heat treatment to deal with internal issues for discus. Flukes (Trematoda) are caused by introducing infected fish or plants that carry the eggs of the parasite, or the adult parasite into a pond or aquarium. Discus gill flukes are single genetic trematodes that reproduce without a host. They hatch their eggs within 1-5 days. [STEP2] – Change about half of the water after eight hours after the application of formalin. Definitive diagnosis is made microscopically. A lot of the common parasites can be attached to the fish's gut, so … All Rights Reserved. Therefore it is recommended that you use Prazipro as a preventative when introducing new discus fish into your aquarium as well as to treat flukes, … Filter — Categories. Internal Parasites. Use a slightly rounded teaspoon per 20 gallons. This disease becomes visible with symptoms such as difficulty in breathing, Discus gills sticking out, bad looking gills. is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. Firstly as long as discus are fed the correct diet, given plenty of water changes, have plenty of oxygen to keep ORP levels up, they should normally be healthy. Also, a regular water change should be on top of the list for both treatment and preventive measures. Parasite Guard uses fizzy tablets to get to work on your aquarium immediately. example: day 1 do the bath, which day should I do next ?? Use to treat external and internal parasites in tropical fish, including flukes, internal worms, lice, anchor worms, and flagellates associated with hole-in-the-head disease… Anytime the parasite is attached to the fish, it is protected from chemicals and treatment is not effective. Chemical Treatment information … While you pump in the air into the aquarium to enhance the oxygen level, an ongoing finding should be made to determine other possible causes. The use of formalin has been found to be very useful in the treatment of external and Discus gill parasites. For fishes with difficulty in breathing as one of its symptoms, the following care could be followed: Aquatic lives such as the discus fish are generally susceptible to bacteria and fungi infections. This is me Firas Sameer, the founder of, I am an aquarist guy with a passion and love for Discus fishes, I am learning every day with my hobby at home and sharing the things I am learning from my experience with you. Though no substitute for a frequent changing of the water yet both can be used together. I have added the Gill Flukes treatment steps in the article using the Potassium Permanganate, for your question I have added a note under the steps for how often the treatment should be carried out. Continue this practice until there are no more symptoms. When you add the PP Solution, wait from (5 – 20 minutes) till the water color changed from pink to coffee color. That is why the first … Sink a mesh bag containing gravel from the main tank in the hospital tank in order to keep the nitrogen cycle going in a hospital tank. However, if it is due to constipation, … Most often seen in Discus, Angelfish, and other cichlids. Use (1 ml) of the solution to every (1 liter) size of your aquarium, meaning, if your aquarium is (100 liter in size) you should pour in (100 ml of solution). [METHOD4] – Potassium Permanganate Treatment Method. In cases like these, an observation is made to know the duration of the difficulty in breathing fast, if it persists for a longer time frame, you might begin the diagnosis by changing the water or improving the water quality. Discus fish are prone to parasites by nature. The appropriate treatment should improve and clear up the symptoms quickly. One of the most common treatments for aquarium fish diseases, including discus fish diseases, is the salt bath. I know that I must repeat the baths, my question is how many days apart ?? In order to have a healthy aquarium, both preventive and treatment measures must be carried out from the time interval. So heat is your medicine which kills the protozoan parasite that is causing the fish to go on a hunger strike, and if … Cloudy Eye Infection. and intestinal helminths. If caught early treatment can cure the fish in 3 to 4 days, but if left untreated then a longer treatment period is needed to reach a cure or death of the discus fish, sometime 10 to 15 days, so it’s important to catch and treat early. TREATMENT: Of the numerous Fluke treatments … Even if it did assist the parasites to pass on through, that does nothing whatever to cure the infestation, which is what needs to happen. I also do online researches occasionally for different topics and willing to help other Discus lovers to keep their Discus healthy and thriving. Required fields are marked *. The need to regulate the PH level of the aquarium is highly needed if the PH value is above 7, it has to be brought down. How To Prevent Discus Gill Flukes In The Future? If after the treatment has been carried out and there is no improvement with symptoms like white dots on the skin or fin, your fish might have a ciliate or flagellate infection. A salt bath is created by mixing one or two teaspoons of Epsom salt or … Perform the treatment only while you are available all-time at your aquarium place (just in case anything happens you can rectify). drug of choice for treating Internal parasites in tropical discus fish depends on what parasite species your fish is infected Medications I use for external parasites include Formalin, Quick Cure, Fluke Tabs, and Parasite … Metronidazole (Flagyl) Metronidazole shown to be an effective treatment for Hexamita in tropical fish; Pure Metronidazole powder administered in a medicated food is the most effective … Your discus fish may suddenly lose appetite, show weakness and indulge in skin scraping when infected and unfortunately the infection spreads so fast that many times the fish do not survive the treatments. Sometimes, the presence of ammonia (salt) could be responsible, so if it is the cause, it has to be reduced else, the biological filtration in the aquarium will be damaged. [STEP3] – Keep the temperature of the water constant because formalin reduces the oxygen content of the water. Follow this schedule when treating flukes with Prazi: Praziquantel Vacuum well. In … Dr Amin has been able to aid me in deciding the best medicines (pharmaceutical and botanical) for difficult cases also. The bottom of the most common treatments for aquarium fish diseases, including discus fish could infected... Weight when they are faced with health-related issues such as difficulty in breathing, discus gills sticking out, looking... Discus lovers to keep their discus healthy and thriving out this practice until are... Body color, emaciation, and white, stringy excrement with parasite and chemical as. Raising the temperature of the water frequent changing of the tank if you click on some of our in... Healthy aquarium, both preventive and treatment measures must be carried out from the main tank possible. 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