Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed 2010; 26:138-142. They used optimal lasing technique (saline flushing with slow advancement [0.2–0.5 mm/second]) using the CVX-300 Excimer laser system and treated the majority of lesions with a laser-stent strategy (only two patients required balloon angioplasty prior to stenting). Where views/opinions are expressed, they are those of the author(s) and not of Radcliffe Medical Media. Fernandez JP, Hobson AR, Mckenzie DB, et al. The use of all-metal/ceramic construction in excimer laser tubes delivers a dramatic impact on gas lifetime and overall tube lifetime. Beggs S et al. Topaz O, Minisi AJ, Morris C, et al. Holmes DR Jr, Forrester JS, Litvack F, et al. The UV light that it emits is at a very specific wavelength (308 nm), which eliminates certain immune cells from the treated areas. A prospective multicenter registry of laser therapy for degenerated saphenous vein graft stenosis: the COronary graft Results following Atherectomy with Laser (CORAL) trial. The laser fibres of eccentric laser catheters are focused toward one hemisphere. Comparison of the 308nm excimer laser with the 308nm excimer lamp in the treatment of vitiligo -- a randomized bilateral comparison study. DermNet provides Google Translate, a free machine translation service. It is the only coronary laser-emitting device currently approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. The number of pulses emitted during a 1–second period is the ‘pulse repetition rate’. McKenzie DB, Talwar S, Jokhi PP, et al. Both blood and iodinated contrast media contain non-aqueous cellular macromolecules, such as proteins, and these absorb the majority of delivered Excimer laser energy creating cavitating microbubbles, which form at the site of energy delivery, increasing the likelihood of traumatic dissection.13 By contrast, saline permits passage of light from the catheter tip to the tissue without any interference so no microbubbles are formed in this milieu. The ExSys Excimer laser (308nm wavelength) The ExSys Excimer laser has been shown in scientific research to cause significant improvements in the treatment of vitiligo patches for many patients. Coronary catheters are available in four diameters (0.9, 1.4, 1.7, 2.0 mm; see Table 2) and those most commonly used have a concentric array of laser fibres at the tip. The term excimer is short for 'excited dimer', while exciplex is short for 'excited complex'. Zhang X, et al. Br J Dermatol 2005; 152: 981-985. E: peter.o’[email protected], Coronary Intervention with the Excimer Laser: Review of the Technology and Outcome Data, Content on this site is intended for healthcare professionals only, Catheter-based interventions in pregnancy, Tips For Increasing Article Visibility And Impact, Interventional Cardiology Review 2016;11(1):27–32, Acute Cardiac Unloading and Recovery - Proceedings. can also be used given that it is possible to safely laser with a second wire in place. In addition, it is unlikely that saline would reach the laser–tissue interface. To date, there are no widely accepted disease-specific protocols for excimer light treatment. Even when the catheter is in vivo, all staff in the vicinity should wear eye protection in case the catheter housing breaks, which could release UV light. In heavily calcified coronary lesions the default technique for the majority of PCI operators remains rotational atherectomy (RA), even among proficient ELCA users. wavelength excimer laser excimer laser Prior art date 1998-03-11 Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Hansch set up of a dye laser. Flat laser windows are suitable for high-power laser applications and as substrates for mirrors and beamsplitters. Published content on this site is for information purposes and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Peter O’Kane, Consultant Interventional Cardiologist, Dorset Heart Centre, Royal Bournemouth Hospital, Castle Lane East, Bournemouth, UK. This is a major advantage over alternative coronary atherectomy techniques that require dedicated guidewires that are often more difficult to deliver distally. How should I treat severe coronary artery calcification when it is not possible to inflate a balloon or deliver a RotaWire? principal advantage of an excimer laser is its very short wavelength. One major advantage of excimer laser treatment is that remission times are generally much longer than treatments relying on topical creams. Houseman TS, Pearce DJ, Feldman SR. A maintenance protocol for psoriasis plaques cleared by the 308 nm excimer laser. 248 nm) can be focused to a Generally PCI for coronary bifurcation lesions is best treated with a main vessel (MV)-only stenting approach with preservation of side branch (SB), rather than an upstream two-stent strategy. Further controlled studies are needed to compare excimer light therapy with topical treatments and other laser treatments in these conditions. The pulses of laser energy are delivered as the catheter is slowly (0.5 mm/second) advanced through the lesion, allowing adequate absorption and ablation. RA requires delivery of a dedicated 0.009-inch guidewire (Rotawire™) into the distal coronary vessel. The CVX-300 cardiovascular laser Excimer system (Spectranetics; see Figure 2) uses Xenon chloride (XeCl) as the active medium. Please submit your photos of this topic for inclusion. Each pulse of the laser removes 0.25 microns of tissue. Ultraviolet B 308-nm excimer laser treatment of psoriasis: a new phototherapeutic approach. Excimer laser coronary atherectomy (ELCA); percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI); non-crossable lesions; chronic total occlusions (CTO); intra-coronary thrombus; under-expanded stents; rotational atherectomy (RA). Bittl JA, Sanborn TA, Tcheng JE. ELCA could potentially be of value in these cases by debulking the SB lesion to permit more predictable success with the MV-only approach. Clinical Indications for Excimer Laser Coronary Atherectomy. Shi Q, et al. The disadvantages of narrowband UVB include irradiation of the whole body (even if the psoriasis is localised) and the need for a high number of treatments (usually between 15 and 40 sessions). [Sponsored content]. Can cover the UV/visible/near-IR region with available dyes. Home Majid I, Imran S. Targeted ultraviolet B phototherapy in vitiligo. The threshold energy required for the penetration of UV light into tissue and the creation of a steam bubble is called ‘fluence’ (range: 30–80 mJ/mm2). Other devices that can be used to facilitate the PCI in these situations include the use of the GuideLiner® (Vascular Solutions) for the delivery of the ELCA, although care should be taken to retract the device prior to commencing lasing since the obstruction to blood flow may lead to ischaemia.32 Support strategies that require the use of additional wires (e.g., anchor wires, balloons, etc.) Tcheng JE. Clinical efficacy of a 308nm excimer laser in the treatment of vitiligo. Balloon failure occurs when a lesion cannot be crossed with a low-profile device, or when the balloon inadequately expands with dilatation. Dahm JB, Topaz O, Woenckhaus C, et al. However, the laser mirrors may have to be exchanged to obtain maximum output. The unparalleled precision of the excimer laser makes it uniquely suited to the task of refractive corneal surgery. Excimer lasers are powerful and versatile light sources in the UV range of the electromagnetic spectrum. In addition, the antithrombotic19,20 and platelet-suppressive21 effects of ELCA may reduce the risk of thrombotic complications during disobilteration. The 0.9-mm X80 catheter permits 10 seconds activation and 5 seconds rest, reflecting its use in more complex lesions. American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. Care should be taken to select a guiding catheter that provides adequate support and that remains coaxial during lasing. Photodermtol Photoimmunol Photomed 2013; 29:27-33. For example, they are useful for printing processes, photolithography, UV curing of adhesives, surface cleaning and surface modification, ozone generation and sterilization (disinfection). The 0.9-mm X80 catheter is selected in the vast majority of balloon failure cases since this catheter provides the widest range of power and repetition rate to maximise the chances of procedural success. Additionally, the technique can be mastered by any operator after a short period of training. The UV ray generated by the excimer light is delivered via a hand-held wand that focuses on the lesion. J Am Acad Dermatol 2016;74:907-15. Rawlins J, Talwar S, Green M, O’Kane P. Optical Coherance Tomography follwoing percutaneous coronary intervention with Excimer Laser coronary atherectomy. Usually, two to three treatments with the excimer laser a week for about 10 to 15 weeks will achieve substantial improvement in a plaque of psoriasis. Optimal weekly frequency of 308nm excimer laser treatment in vitiligo patients. This technology provides a solution to a variety of problems that may be encountered, including massive intra-coronary thrombus, un-crossable lesions and stent under-expansion. Coherent, Inc. is a leading global supplier of industrial and fiber laser solutions headquartered in the United States for over 50 years. Author: Vanessa Ngan, Staff Writer, 2006. However, in cases of significant calcification, the response is less favourable (calcified 79 % versus non-calcified 96 %; p<0.05).27,28 This is because the ablative effects of ELCA on calcium are minimal and success relies on the ablation of more pliable tissue within the calcific lesion, which will vary accordingly. 3. Cook SI, Eigler NL, Shefer A, et al. Radcliffe Cardiology is part of Radcliffe Medical Media, an independent publisher and the Radcliffe Group Ltd. Excimer laser facilitated percutaneous coronary intervention of a nondilatable coronary stent. Topics A–Z All rights reserved. It causes blisters on treated areas if the dose is too high. Some case reports document its use for localised severe atopic eczema, alopecia areata, cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, localised scleroderma, and granuloma annulare. Taylor K, Reiser C. Large eccentric laser angioplasty catheter. Gerber W, Arheilger B et al. The term “excimer” is an abbreviation of the expression excited dimer, and denotes a molecule RH* in the excited state, E 1, which does not exist in the ground state, E 0 (Fig. Pumped with XeCl excimer laser, typically 0.5 – 5 mJ pulse-1, 3 ns pulse width. Third, fifth, and seventh harmonic outputs were observed at 82.8 nm, 49.7 nm, and 35.5 nm. Randomized trial of a distal embolic protection device during percutaneous intervention of saphenous vein aorto-coronary bypass grafts. Excimer lamps emit incoherent, quasi–continuous radiation at the same wavelength as an excimer laser; however, these emit far lower photon fluxes and so multi–photon processes can be neglected. Effectiveness of excimer laser coronary angioplasty in acute myocardial infarction or in unstable angina pectoris. F. Le Duff et al. The rate of most excimer laser machining processes is determined by the material, the laser wavelength and the average power and /or the repetition rate of the laser, energy is usually not a determining factor. A free running excimer laser with a stable resonator produces a spectral output with a relatively wide bandwidth. Predictors of outcome of percutaneous excimer laser coronary angioplasty of saphenous vein bypass graft lesions. Applications of the Excimer Laser: A review. Topaz O. Coronary laser angioplasty. Koster R, Kahler J, Brockhoff C, et al. Primary angiographic endpoints were myocardial blush grade, TIMI flow and length-adjusted TIMI frame count. Hofer A, et al. Bittl JA, Sanborn TA, Yardley DE, et al. Fernandez JP, Hobson AR, McKenzie D, et al. ST and PO are European Proctors for Spectranetics. Because of their cold ablation and short wavelength, an excimer laser is used for countless applications. Clinical success, complications and restenosis rates with excimer laser coronary angioplasty. We have used ELCA more successfully in rare cases of SB restensosis (often due to stent under-expansion) guided by intra-coronary imaging with durable results. This laser emits light energy at a certain wavelength (308nm), which stimulates the pigment-producing cells in the depigmented area of the skin. Excimer laser tissue ablation is mediated through three distinct mechanisms: photochemical, photo-thermal and photomechanical. Egred M. A novel approach for under-expanded stent: excimer laser in contrast medium. Coherent Inc. The fragments released are <10 μm in diameter, avoiding microvascular obstruction as they are absorbed by the reticulo-endothelial system. Excimer Laser LEsion modification to expand non-dilatable stents: the ELLEMENT registry. The amount of UV delivered is carefully calculated and monitored taking into account the skin type, age, skin condition, site and response to treatment. In: Waksman R, Saito S (editors). How should I treat severe calcific coronary artery disease. The duration of each pulse is termed a ‘pulse width’, which is modified according to the nature of the treated lesion for example fibro-calcific lesions require higher fluence and repletion rate for effective ablation (see Figure 2). The 0.9- and 1.4-mm devices are used via a 6F guiding system. Bittl JA. Excimer laser angioplasty in acute myocardial infarction [the CARMEL multicenter study]. The major limitation is presence of heavy calcification although when rotational atherectomy (RA) is required but cannot be applied due to inability to deliver the dedicated RotaWireTM (Boston Scientific), ELCA can create an upstream channel to permit RotaWire passage and complete the case with RA – the RASER technique. Other than lack of informed consent and unprotected left main disease (a relative contraindication) there are no absolute coronary contraindications for ELCA. Excimer Laser Coronary Atherectomy for Non-crossable/Non-dilatable Lesions (Balloon Failure; see Figure 5). Nonetheless, if SVG-PCI is considered necessary, ELCA remains a useful adjunctive therapeutic intervention. A comparison between once-weekly vs twice-weekly regimens. Excimer Laser. Topaz O, Bernardo NL, Shah R, et al. Excimer or 157nm Fluorine lasers can cut any solid material, from Diamond to the cornea of the eye. Treatment of in-stent restenosis with excimer laser coronary angioplasty: mechanisms and results compared with PTCA alone. Excimer 308-nm light treatment — codes and concepts. Studies are also to determine the short and long term effectiveness and safety, establish optimal dosage regimens, and define appropriate patient selection criteria. Updated by Dr Carolina Cordoba-Rincon, Dermatology Registrar; Dr Monisha Gupta, Dermatologist, Sydney Australia, October 2016. However, in large vessels involving extensive SB disease it may be necessary to stent SB as well. The crater flatness indicates the high homogeneity of the excimer laser beam over the entire illumination area. Most excimer lasers are of the noble gas halide type, for which the term excimer is, strictly speaking, a misnomer. Development of a new technique for reducing pressure pulse generation during 308-nm excimer laser coronary angioplasty. The excimer output beam can be focused to a spot diameter that is approximately 40 times smaller than the CO 2 laser beam with the same beam quality. These devices are primarily used for eccentric lesions or for extensive debulking of in-stent restenosis (ISR). J Dermatolog Treat 2004 Apr; 15(2): 94-7. Excimer lasers are pulsed gas lasers that use a mixture of a rare gas and halogen as an active medium to generate pulses of short wavelength, high-energy ultraviolet (UV) light (see Figure 1). The spectral output can be greatly narrowed by inserting wavelength dispersive optical elements into the laser cavity . The Task Force on the management of ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). In most cases, excimer light is tolerated well. Excimer Laser Coronary Atherectomy in Underexpanded Stents (see Figure 6), Stent under-expansion poses a significant risk for stent thrombosis. British Journal of Dermatology 2003: 149; 1250-8. Similarly, myocardial blush grade increased from 0.12±0.4 to 2.5±0.6 post-laser, and to 2.8±0.4 post-stent. Clinical results with excimer laser coronary angioplasty. Alshiyab D et al. Bittl JA, Ryan TJ, Keaney JF. Coronary artery perforation during excimer laser coronary angioplasty. For example free running ArF has a bandwidth of approximately 500pm FWHM. Do J. E, et al. Applications . Note that this may not provide an exact translation in all languages, breadcrumbs Fernandez JP, Hobson AR, McKenzie D, et al. An excimer laser typically uses a combination of a noble gas and a reactive gas. An audible alarm sounds at the end of the rest period to signal when to commence the next laser train. The depth of laser penetration is directly related to its wavelength, with UV laser (shorter wavelength) having less depth of penetration, less heat production and less unwanted tissue damage (see Table 1). Compared with narrowband UVB, its advantages are: Excimer laser therapy is an option for the treatment of localised vitiligo and moderately severe localised psoriasis and unresponsive to topical treatments. A new safer lasing technique for laser facilitated coronary angioplasty. Dorr M, Vogelgesang D, Hummel A, et al. The percutaneous excimer laser coronary angioplasty (PELCA) investigators. Excimer 308-nm light treatment. UV laser light is absorbed by intra-vascular material and breaks carbon–carbon bonds (photochemical). If you have any concerns with your skin or its treatment, see a dermatologist for advice. Alterations of platelet aggregation kinetics with ultraviolet laser emission: the “stunned platelet“ phenomenon. Pass laser beam through another cell containing laser medium pumped in the same way. Premium Drupal Theme by For the standard coronary catheters activation will automatically cease after 5 seconds with a 10-second rest period. The aim of treatment is to deliver a dose that induces visible redness in the psoriatic lesion (supra-erythematous dose), but that does not induce a blister or second-degree burn. There are few PCI options available when this occurs. Excimer is a term used today to describe a family of lasers with similar output characteristics, in that they all emit powerful pulses lasting nanoseconds or tens of nanoseconds, at wavelengths in or near the ultraviolet, and the lasing medium is a diatomic molecule, or dimer, in which the component atoms are bound in the excited state but not in the ground state. Excimer 308-nm light is a form of targeted phototherapy that delivers a specific wavelength (308 nm) of ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation using an excimer laser or an excimer lamp. Following this safety checklist, the laser unit is warmed up and the selected catheter is connected and calibrated prior to being introduced into the body. Long term exposure to ultraviolet radiation ultimately causes skin ageing and skin cancer. Full Record; Other Related Research; Abstract. Both have shown similar results regarding efficacy, but have technical differences. Their portfolio of lasers, tools and systems are used in a wide range of materials processing & scientific applications. The largest study to date, the Cohort of Acute Revascularization of Myocardial infarction with Excimer Laser (CARMEL) multicentre registry, enrolled 151 AMI patients, 65 % of whom had large thrombus burden in the culprit artery.25 Following ELCA, Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) flow grade was significantly increased (1.2 to 2.8), with an associated reduction in angiographic stenosis (83 to 52 %).25 There was a low rate (8.6 %) of major adverse coronary events (MACE). Photoacoustic fibrinolysis: pulsed-wave, mid infrared laser-clot interaction. M. Popov, at the Lebedev Physical Institute in Moscow, using a xenon dimer (Xe2) excited by an electron beam to give stimulated emission at 172 nm wavelength. Laser facilitated thrombectomy: a new therapeutic option for treatment of thrombus–laden coronary lesions. Harmonic generation was studied using a high powered, ultrashort pulse KrF excimer laser. Excimer 308-nm light is a form of targeted phototherapy that delivers a specific wavelength (308 nm) of ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation using an excimer laser or an excimer lamp. Excimer lasers offer significant advantages for surface cleaning processes because its short wavelength (e.g. As the application of ELCA has been refined, a number of indications have emerged for the technique: 1. When this situation arises, ELCA can be used to modify the lesion to create a channel through which a Rotawire™ can subsequently be delivered distally (usually via a microcatheter), to permit RA and case completion. Sponsored content: melanomas are notoriously difficult to discover and diagnose. Topaz O. Whose fault is it? The advantage of excimer laser is very clear now. A detailed description of the ELCA technique and its potential pitfalls has been illustrated with complex interventional cases. 4. The duration of treatment is shorter than for whole body phototherapy. Papaioannou T, Yadegar D, Vari S, et al. In: Safian RD, Freed MS (editors). Effect of intracoronary saline infusion on dissection during excimer laser coronary angioplasty: a randomized trial. Whittaker A, Rawlins J, O’Kane P. Contemporary therapy of intracoronary thrombus: laser and bioresorbable scaffold. When the surface of the cornea is reshaped in the right way, it allows light rays to focus properly onto the retina for clear vision. Coherent designs and manufactures a broad selection of lasers and supplies electro-optic instruments for laser test In-stent restenosis in the drug-eluting stent era. Excimer light treatment is a development of whole body narrowband UVB. Dangas G, Claessen B, Caixeta, A, et al. Excimer light treatment is a development of whole body narrowband UVB. J Lasers Med Sci 2014;5(1):8-12, Healthy skin surrounding the affected areas is not exposed to radiation, Different templates are used according to the area to be treated, A higher dose of radiation can be delivered, with a reduced, In some cases, a shorter course of treatment is effective, It can be used in areas difficult to reach with conventional phototherapy, such as ears and genitals. Cardiology is part of Radcliffe Medical Media a dedicated 0.009-inch guidewire ( Rotawire™ ) into the laser.... Ami study, has been refined, a, et al technical differences management of ST-elevation infarction. Embolic protection device during percutaneous intervention of a nondilatable coronary stent focused one... Wire is less deliverable directly, and it may be applied, with tissue. 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